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Latest Covid guidelines

` COVID-19 Step 4 Guidance for Cricket in England This guidance is updated for the move to Step 4 of the UK Government Road Map which comes into effect on 19 July 2021. Until then follow guidance for Step 3 which can be found at Summary of key changes you need to know On Monday 19th July, England will move to step four of its roadmap in easing Covid restrictions. This means that almost all legal restrictions of social contact will be removed. However, the Government is encouraging people to act with caution. The summary key points are:

  1. Social distancing (1 m+) rule is removed

  2. Group size restrictions indoors and outdoors are removed (including spectator number restrictions)

  3. Face coverings are no longer required by law, but are recommended in crowded indoor settings and may be mandated by some organisations.

  4. Remember No Participants = No Game. NHS Test and Trace is still in place and self-isolation of both COVID positive individuals and close contacts remains a requirement. The definition of close contact remains the same, however the rules on self-isolation will be changing from the 16th August.

  5. Changing rooms can be used, however participants should use their own judgement and minimise use where possible to avoid close contact in a crowded area for a prolonged time.

  6. Hospitality is permitted without restrictions.

  7. NHS Test and Trace QR codes not required by law but encouraged.

  8. Free NHS lateral flow testing is available to clubs and The ECB encourages clubs to take this up.

  9. No domestic travel restrictions. Participants should continue to follow Government advice on international travel for any fixtures/ tournaments.

Reducing the risk of spreading COVID Two key weapons in the fight against the virus are good hygiene and good ventilation:

Good Hygiene

  • Keep cleaning spaces, surfaces and touch points frequently.

  • Make hand sanitiser available throughout your venue (we have partnered with Lifebuoy on offers for cricket clubs and we will contact clubs shortly).

  • Consider keeping hygiene breaks in play. Good Ventilation

  • Ventilate your indoor spaces by opening windows and doors and using suitable mechanical ventilation where available.

  • Minimise your time indoors and keep outdoors where possible.

  • Minimise close contact with others – especially indoors Playing the Game Cricket remains a naturally socially distanced game and adaptations on the field such as limiting wicket celebrations, not shaking hands, not handing caps and jumpers to umpires and sanitisation breaks were relatively limited. As part of step four, these adaptations will no longer be required by the Government and so have been removed from ECB guidance. However, clubs, leagues and all participants should remain vigilant and be respectful of individuals/ teams who may not wish to shake hands before games, or umpires who may not wish to take caps and jumpers (for example). No Participants = No Game: Close contacts and Self Isolation NHS Test and Trace and the self-isolation of close contacts remains in place at Step 4 and will affect participant availability. Examples of close contact include:

  • face-to-face contact under 1 metre for any length of time – including talking to someone or being coughed on

  • being within 1 metre of each other for 1 minute or longer

  • being within 2 metres of each other for more than 15 minutes in total in 1 day

  • travelling in the same vehicle

If a participant tests positive on a team there is not a need for the other players or officials to self-isolate, unless they were in close contact, have been contacted by test and trace, they develop symptoms or test positive themselves. Therefore, players, officials and clubs should consider how they can reduce the likelihood of close contact occurring. The ECB has provided a decision making framework to help clubs and leagues navigate self-isolation decisions, please refer to this. From the 16th August, those who have been fully vaccinated for at least two weeks, and under 18s, will not have to self-isolate, unless they test positive for COVID or develop symptoms, in which case they must isolate. There must also be a two-week gap between your second vaccination and this exemption coming into effect. If you are over 18 and not fully vaccinated, you will still need to isolate if you come into close contact with someone with COVID. You must always follow self-isolation instructions from NHS Test and Trace. Face Coverings In step four, the use of masks will be become voluntary in all settings, with the Government advising people to use their personal judgement and to take responsibility, depending on the situation. Government advice is that the use of masks reduce risks to people (both yourselves and those around you) in crowded spaces. Please also note that businesses and organisations may still require masks to be used. Capacity All businesses and facilities will be able to open at Step Four, with no COVID-related limits on capacity (indoors or outdoors). NHS QR Codes While there is no legal requirement for use of NHS QR codes, Government are encouraging businesses and facilities to continue using these. Changing Rooms Changing rooms can be used where clubs are ready to make these available safely. However, given that the definition of close contact is not changing, participants may wish to consider this and minimise use of changing facilities where possible to avoid prolonged contact with people in a crowded space. Clubs should continue to communicate clearly with visiting teams and match officials on whether changing rooms and showers are available. Spectators As part of step four, there are no limits on spectators for indoor or outdoor cricket, this includes parents and carers. All facilities can open without restrictions on capacity; however, facilities should follow Government guidance on how to best manage crowds, particularly for bigger events. This guidance will be available on when published. Hospitality & Teas All outdoor and indoor hospitality will be allowed as part of step four and can operate without restrictions on capacity limits or how people order food and drink. As at Step 3, Teas can be served where this can be done safely. Clubs should continue to communicate clearly with visiting teams and match officials on whether teas will be provided. Players and match officials should be prepared to bring their own food and beverage as required. Keeping Your Clubhouse and Equipment Clean Keeping your clubhouse clean will reduce the risk of passing the infection onto other people. To achieve this, your cleaning procedures should be thorough and rigorous. A cleaning schedule could include:

  • Daily cleaning throughout the clubhouse and facility;

  • Identifying high-contact touch points for more regular cleaning (e.g. door handles, grab rails, vending machines);

  • Frequent cleaning of work areas and equipment between use;

  • Cleaning of shared training equipment after each individual use;

  • Having waste facilities and more frequent rubbish collection;

  • Removing any non-essential items that may be difficult to clean. Inspecting Condition of Your Facility If parts of your facility have not been used for some time, a thorough building inspection and walk-round will allow you to identify any issues and damage. This will help you plan what work needs to be carried out and should include water quality (e.g. for Legionella and other contaminates), drains, gas services, ventilation, alarms/safety systems and pest control. NHS Free Lateral Flow Tests Rapid lateral flow tests help to find cases in people who may have no symptoms but are still infectious and can give the virus to others. These are currently distributed free by the Government, and you can order packs to be sent to a home address. First Aid Continue to follow guidance from St John’s Ambulance on First Aid during COVID, available here. Travel All participants may travel to games with no restrictions in place for domestic travel. Participants should be aware that travelling in cars is now permitted, however this does mean that they will likely be in close contact and should manage any risks linked to this. Any international travel should be in line with Government advice. Players and clubs should consider how they can reduce the likelihood of close contact occurring. Your COVID Risk Assessment Your COVID risk assessment remains a valuable tool for assessing and addressing the COVID risks that still remain and it could be necessary under your health and safety obligations as an employer. Keep it under review as guidance changes and adapt your plans accordingly.

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